June 28, 2023

Biomedical Research Minor Graduate Reception 2023

Congratulations to Alexis and Eesha as graduates of the Class of 2023 UCLA Biomedical Research Minor!

Biomedical Research Minor Graduate Reception 2023
Congrats to Alexis and Eesha!

June 28, 2023

Mack Lab Attends Undergraduate Poster Session

Lab members support senior Eesha as she presents her research at the MCDB Undergraduate Poster Session.


Mack Lab Attends Undergraduate Poster Session
Mack Lab members supporing senior Eesha at the MCDB Undergraduate Poster Session.

April 18, 2023

2023 AHA HSI Scholar Symposium

Judy presents her research poster at the HSI Scholar Symposium

Judy presents her research poster at the HSI Scholar Symposium
Judy standing in front of her research poster at the HSI Scholar Symposium.

February 22, 2023

Zebrafish Blood Vessel Imaging

Live imaging of zebrafish dorsal aorta.

Live imaging of zebrafish dorsal aorta
Imaging blood flow in the zebrafish.

February 22, 2023

AHA HSI Scholar Visit UCLA

Southern California AHA HSI Scholars visit the Mack Lab for live zebrafish imaging

AHA HSI Scholars visit UCLA labs
AHA HSI Scholars visiting the lab.

November 21, 2022

Mack Lab poster wins 1st Prize!

Our poster wins 1st Place Prize for the Basic Science category at the DOM Research Day.


Our poster wins 1st Place Prize at DOM Research Day
Three lab members pose in front of the winning poster.

November 18, 2022

Mack Lab Attends the DOM Research Day

Poster presentation at the annual Department of Medicine Research Day.


Mack Lab Presents at the UCLA Department of Medicine Research Day
Three lab members stand in front of their poster.

November 12, 2022

Former and current AHA HSI Scholars attended Scientific Sessions in Chicago

2022 AHA Scientific Sessions in Chicago
Julia attends 2022 AHA Scientific Sessions in Chicago!
California represents at AHA Scientific Sessions in Chicago
California represents at AHA Scientific Sessions in Chicago!
Former AHA HSI Scholar Samantha attended Scientific Sessions
Sam and Julia in Chicago!

October 23, 2022

Successful 2022 Cardiovascular Research Theme Retreat

Successful interactions and poster presentation at the 2022 UCLA Cardiovascular Research Theme Retreat


The Mack Lab attends the 2022 Cardiovascular Research Theme Retreat at Covel Commons
Mack Lab members at the 2022 Cardiovascular Research Theme Retreat at Covel Commons.

September 20, 2022

Congratulations to Soon-Gook on his publication in JCI Insight!

Soon-Gook's graduate work from Temple University is published today online!


Soon-Gook's graduate work is published in JCI Insight!
Soon-Gook giving two thumbs up. His graduate work is published in JCI Insight!

July 6, 2022

Welcome Soon-Gook to UCLA!

We are excited to welcome Dr. Soon-Gook Hong as postdoc in the Mack Lab.


Dr. Soon-Gook Hong joins the Mack Lab as postdoc
Dr. Soon-Gook Hong (standing with Julia) joins the Mack Lab as postdoc.

June 28, 2022

Julianne passes lab manager role to Meigan

Welcome to Meigan as she starts her new role as Mack Lab Manager!


Welcome to Meigan as she starts her new role as Mack Lab Manager!
Julianne and Meigan.

June 28, 2022

Farewell to Julianne as she moves on to her next adventure.


Farewell party for Julianne as she moves on to her next adventure
Farewell party for Julianne.

June 7, 2022

Welcome Lily!

Thanks to Lily for keeping the mice organized.


Lily joins the lab to manage the mouse lines.
Lily joins the lab to manage the mouse lines.

May 5, 2022

Samantha presents at the AHA HSI Spring Symposium

Congratulations to Samantha for her poster presentation at the AHA HSI Spring Symposium.


Congratulations to Samantha for her poster presentation at the AHA HSI Spring Symposium
Samantha standing in front of her poster on "Investigation of Sex Differences in Vascular Inflammation with Aging" in Houston, TX.

May 5, 2022

Alvaro accepted to the Amgen Scholars Program!

Alvaro will participate in the 2022 Amgen Scholars summer program at UCLA.


Alvaro accepted to the Amgen Scholars Program!
Congratulations to Alvaro!

June 21, 2021

Julianne prepares intestine samples to image

We've been optimizing techniques to image the 3D intestinal architecture and are excited to share some of the imaging in an accepted publication from our collaborators.  Look for a new announcement soon!


3D intestine imaging preparation
3D intestine imaging preparation.

June 7, 2021

Funding from the UCSD/UCLA Diabetes Research Center

The Mack Lab receives a UCSD/UCLA Diabetes Research Center 2021-2022 Pilot and Feasibility grant. The funded project will study how endothelial plasma membrane fluidity affects cardiovascular health.

June 1, 2021

Julia receives the George J. Popjak Scholar Award

Julia receives the 2020-2021 George J. Popjak Scholar Award for "outstanding contributions in the field of Atherosclerosis Research."


Julia is the 2020-2021 Popjak Scholar!
Julia is the 2020-2021 Popjak Scholar!

May 1, 2021

Mack Lab receives a 2021 Cardiovascular Discovery Fund Award!

The Mack Lab receives a two-year Cardiovascular Discovery Fund Award to study endothelial Ca2+ signaling and vascular inflammation.

April 27, 2021

Transgenic zebrafish for visualing blood vessels

Imaging blood vessels in a fluorescent zebrafish model.


Live imaging blood vessels in a fish
Live imaging blood vessels in a fish.

March 21, 2021

Testing out the new ibidi µ-Patterning technology

Custom designed patterned slides for endothelial cell alignment!

Custom designed patterned slides for endothelial cell alignment!
The Mack Lab tests out the new ibidi µ-Patterned flow slides.

March 9, 2021

Our review article on endothelial control of cerebral blood flow is available online

Our invited review article entitled "Endothelial Control of Cerebral Blood Flow" is published online at the American Journal of Pathology.

September 15, 2020

Julia elected member of the Molecular Biology Institute

UCLA Molecular Biology Institute was established to serve as a hub for interactions between scientific groups on campus, focused on deciphering molecular structures and identifying regulatory cross-talk to understand the biology of cells and the molecular basis for disease. The Mack Lab supports the MBI!

Julia joins the faculty of the UCLA Molecular Biology Institute
Julia joins the faculty of the UCLA Molecular Biology Institute.

February 25, 2020

Visit to Zeiss Headquarters in Oberkochen, Germany

Julia visits Zeiss Headquarters in Oberkochen, Germany.

Julia visits Zeiss Headquarters in Oberkochen, Germany
Julia at the Zeiss Headquarters and the Zeiss Microscopy Customer Center/Europe.

February 25, 2020

Keynote at the International Cell Culture under Flow Meeting 2020

Julia presents keynote lecture at the International Cell Culture under Flow Meeting in Munich, Germany.

Julia presents keynote lecture at the International Cell Culture under Flow Meeting in Munich, Germany
Julia presenting her keynote lecture at the International Cell Culture under Flow Meeting in Munich, Germany.

November 5, 2019

STEM Goes Red visits the Mack Lab

Students from Los Angeles high schools visit UCLA campus and the Mack Lab to see cardiovascular research in action.

The Mack Lab hosts students from Los Angeles high schools as part of AHA STEM Goes Red program
The Mack Lab hosts students from Los Angeles high schools as part of AHA STEM Goes Red program.

October 23, 2019

Research Day 2019

Mack Lab presents poster "Flow-Induced Polarization of Vascular Endothelial Cells" at UCLA Department of Medicine Research Day on October 12, 2019.

Mack Lab presents poster at UCLA Research Day 2019
Mack Lab members standing in front of their poster at UCLA Research Day.

October 23, 2019

Microscope Upgrade

Mack Lab now has the Zeiss LSM 900 with Airyscan 2 Multiplex imaging to enable super resolution imaging!


"Seeing Beyond" with the LSM 900 upgrade!
"Seeing Beyond" with the LSM 900 upgrade!

June 20, 2019

Julia is awarded 2019 American Heart Association Career Development Award

Project will investigate how blood flow polarizes the plasma membrane of endothelial cells.


Mack Lab imaging
HAECs Membrane polarized
AFM Software Interface

June 14, 2019

Julianne Joins the Lab

The Mack lab welcomes Julianne!

Julianne Joins the Lab - The team!
Imaging room
Experiment planning

June 14, 2019

Mack lab is established!

The Mack lab was established in summer 2018 and experiments are underway!


The team analyzing some data
Our new (empty) space
Filling up the benchtops
The Mack family lending a hand
Live cell imaging hub
The boss herself